Earth altruism
Our civilization is facing substantial risks and a growing realization of how climatological ecological tipping points can fundamentally change the premises for life. This rapidly emerging reality compels shift in scope concern humans. Even so, it remains unclear whether our ability to learn, collaborate, address complex problems compatible with this endemic crisis. Here, we existential dilemma by examining human behavioral change. We describe historically established norms empathy, cooperation, engagement altruistic acts during times crises. find that hyper-connected role models utilize novel technologies challenge existing associated altruism, benefit both people planet. observation suggests an increased connectivity may help facilitate cultural evolution Earth altruism embraces scale behaviors are global sustainability challenges. Humans have remarkable learn adapt situations.1Boyd R. A Different Kind Animal: How Culture Transformed Species. 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عنوان ژورنال: One earth
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['2590-3322', '2590-3330']